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Letra Música Miserable At Best – Mayday Parade

Katie, don’t cry, I know

You’re trying your hardest

And the hardest part is letting go

Of the nights we shared

Ocala is calling and you know it’s haunting

But compared to your eyes, nothing shines quite as bright

And when we look to the sky, it’s not mine, but I want it so

Let’s not pretend like you’re alone tonight

(I know he’s there and)

You’re probably hanging out and making eyes

(While across the room, he stares)

I bet he gets the nerve to walk the floor

And ask my girl to dance, she’ll say yes

Because these words are never easier for me to say

Or her to second guess

But I guess

That I can live without you but

Without you I’ll be miserable at best

You’re all that I hoped I’d find

In every single way

And everything I could give

Is everything you couldn’t take

‘Cause nothing feels like home, you’re a thousand miles away

And the hardest part of living

Is just taking breathes to stay

Because I know I’m good for something

I just haven’t found it yet

But I need it

So let’s not pretend like you’re alone tonight

(I know he’s there and)

You’re probably hanging out and making eyes

(While across the room, he stares)

I bet he gets the nerve to walk the floor

And ask my girl to dance, and she’ll say yes

Because these words are never easier for me to say

Or her to second guess

But I guess

That I can live without you but

Without you I’ll be miserable at best

And this will be the first time in a week

That I’ll talk to you

And I can’t speak

It’s been three whole days since I’ve had sleep

Because I dream of his lips on your cheek

And I’ve got the point that I should leave you alone

But we both know that I’m not that strong

And I miss the lips that made me fly

So let’s not pretend like you’re alone tonight

(I know he’s there and)

You’re probably hanging out and making eyes

(While across the room, he stares)

I bet he gets the nerve to walk the floor

And ask my girl to dance, and she’ll say yes

Because these words are never easier for me to say

Or her to second guess

But I guess

That I can live without you but

Without you I’ll be miserable

And I can live without you

But without you I’ll be miserable

And I can live without you

Oh, without you I’ll be miserable at best

Mayday Parade – Miserable At Best – Ouvir Música

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