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Letra Música Neon Lights – Loreen

Some call me when they need me, some people make me up

Some hear me but can’t see me, some have me in their blood

I’m the black in all the matter, the wind that strokes your hair

The crack within the pattern, the empty in the air

Even if I, if I want to

I can’t let go, can’t unlove you

Even if I, if I want to run

You should know that I’ll be watching every step

I’m the neon light that’s running through your cells

I’m the flicker on your skin, I’m in every breath

You’re the part of me that I’ll never regret

When you’re lost, I’ll be the stranger and the taxi driver

The flashing light, the night time fighter

The siren call, the last real rider

Some feel me as a shiver, a changing of the wind

I’ll follow you wherever, I’ve been everywhere you’ve been

Even if I, if I want to

I can’t let go, can’t unlove you

Even if I, if I want to run

You should know that I’ll be watching every step

I’m the neon light that’s running through your cells

I’m the flicker on your skin, I’m in every breath

You’re the part of me that I’ll never regret

When you’re lost, I’ll be the stranger and the taxi driver

The flashing lights, the night time fighter

The siren call, the last real rider

When you’re lost, I’ll be the stranger and the taxi driver

The flashing lights, the night time fighter

The siren call, the last real rider

When you’re lost, I’ll be there

When you’re lost, I’ll be there

When you’re lost, I’ll be the stranger and the taxi driver

The flashing lights, the night time fighter

The siren call, the last real rider

Don’t you know that I’ll be watching every step?

I’m the neon light that’s running through your cells

Loreen – Neon Lights – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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