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Letra Música The Catalyst – Linkin Park

God bless us everyone

We’re a broken people

Living under loaded gun

And it can’t be outfought

It can’t be outdone

It can’t be outmatched

It can’t be outrun, no

God bless us everyone

We’re a broken people

Living under loaded gun

And it can’t be outfought

It can’t be outdone

It can’t be outmatched

It can’t be outrun, no

And when I close my eyes tonight

To symphonies of blinding lights

God bless us everyone

We’re a broken people

Living under loaded gun, oh

Like memories in cold decay

Transmissions echoing away

Far from the world of you and I

Where oceans bleed into the sky

God save us everyone

Will we burn inside the fires

Of a thousand suns

For the sins of our hand

The sins of our tongue

The sins of our fathers

The sins of our young, no

God save us everyone

Will we burn inside the fires

Of a thousand suns

For the sins of our hand

The sins of our tongue

The sins of our fathers

The sins of our young, no

And when I close my eyes tonight

To symphonies of blinding lights

God save us everyone

Will we burn inside the fires

Of a thousand suns, oh

Like memories in cold decay

Transmissions echoing away

Far from the world of you and I

Where oceans bleed into the sky

Like memories in cold decay

Transmissions echoing away

Far from the world of you and I

Where oceans bleed into the sky

Lift me up, let me go

Lift me up, let me go

Lift me up, let me go

Lift me up, let me go

Lift me up, let me go

Lift me up, let me go

Lift me up, let me go

Lift me up, let me go

Lift me up, let me go

Lift me up, let me go

(Lift me up, let me go)

(And it can’t be outfought)

(It can’t be outdone)

(It can’t be outmatched)

It can’t be outrun, no

(Lift me up, let me go)

God bless us everyone

We’re a broken people

Living under loaded gun

(Lift me up, let me go)

And it can’t be outfought

It can’t be outdone

It can’t be outmatched

It can’t be outrun

(Lift me up, let me go)

God bless us everyone

We’re a broken people

Living under loaded gun

(Lift me up, let me go)

And it can’t be outfought

It can’t be outdone

It can’t be outmatched

It can’t be outrun

Linkin Park – The Catalyst – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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