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Letra Música Daddy [explicit] – KoRn

Mother, please, forgive me
I just had to get out all my pain and suffering
Now that I am done
Remember I will always love you
I’m your son
Little child
Looking so pretty
Come out and play
I’ll be your daddy

Innocent child
Looking so sweet
I’ll rape your mind
And now your flesh I reap

(You raped) I feel dirty
(It hurt) as a child
(Tied down) that’s a good boy
(And fuck) your own child
(I scream) no one hears me
(It hurt) I’m not a liar
(My God) saw you watch
(Mommy, why) your own child?

Little child
Looking so pretty
Come out and play
I’ll be your daddy

(You raped) I feel dirty
(It hurt) as a child
(Tied down) that’s a good boy
(And fuck) your own child
(I scream) no one hears me
(It hurt) I’m not a liar
(My God) saw you watch
Mommy, why?

It’s alright

You raped, I feel dirty
It hurt as a child
Tied down, that’s a good boy
And fuck your own child
I weep, no one hears me
It hurt as a child
Tied down, no one hit me
And raped your own child

I’m sick, no one hears me
It hurt as a child
Tied down, that’s a good boy
You fucked your own child
I speak, no one hears me
It hurt as a child
Tied down, no one hears me
Mommy, why your own child?

I didn’t touch you there
Mommy said she didn’t care
I didn’t touch you there
That’s why mommy stopped and stared

Little child
Looking so sweet
I rape your mind
And now your flesh I reap

(You raped) I feel dirty
(It hurt) as a child
(Tied down) that’s a good boy
(And fuck) your own child
(I scream) no one hears me
(It hurt) I’m not a liar
(My God) saw you watch
(Mommy, why) your own child?

(You raped) I feel dirty
(It hurt) I’m not a liar
(My God) saw you watching
(Daddy, why) your own child?
(I scream) no one hears me
(It hurt) I’m not a liar
(My God) saw you watch
(Mommy, why) your own child?

(You raped) I feel dirty
(It hurt) I’m not a liar
(My God) saw you watching
(Daddy, why) your own child?
(I scream) no one hears me
(It hurt) I’m not a liar
(My God) saw you watch
Mommy, why?

(I fucking hate you)
(Ooh, you fucker)
(I fucking hate you, fuck you)
(You son of a bitch)
(You fucking ruined my life)
(I wanted to die)
(I’m sick of it, motherfucker)

(Oh, you fucking bitch)
(I hate you)
(I fucking hate you)
(I hate you)
(You piece of shit)
(I hate you)

(When I awake, I’ll see Thy face)
(When I awake, I will see Thy light)
(When I awake, I’ll see Thy face)
(When I awake, I will see Thy light)

Mother, awake me from my dreams
Mother, awake me in Thy light
Hand in hand, we are dancing together
Dancing together in Thy light

(When I awake, I’ll see Thy face)
(When I awake, I will see Thy light)
(When I awake, I’ll see Thy face)
(When I awake, I will see Thy light)

Mother, awake me from my dreams
Mother, awake me in Thy light
Hand in hand, we are dancing together
Dancing together in Thy light

KoRn – Daddy [explicit] – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

Tracklist Mais Tocadas - Giro Musical 2023

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