Letra Música If I Like It, I Do It – Jamiroquai

Say that we have all the time we neeed to make it right

Don’t hurry for nobody if it ain’t the thing you like

know your place and fit your space,

young man you will conform

I didn’t hear my soul express those rules when I was born

Cause I’m free to roam cause it’s my home

can’t stop sweet inclinations

the kids want the system breaking down

not higher education

if it ain’t no natural law

then you can keep your regulations

cause if I like it I do it

But I keep movin’ on though they wanna bring me down

I’ve gotta run for the cover and I keep on smilin’

though they wanna tie me down

and give me death for the lover

and I keep on losin’ though I’m provin’

what I’m doing

I’m still groovin’ and I like it I do it

You’ve got to help those people break that legislation

we can overcome this suffocation

execute your natural leberation

happy to enjoy rejuvenation

all around hear the sound

no-one can stop us now

a thousand rules for plastic fools

now they can take a bow

surely there’s been time to see it doesn’t work by now

so I like it I do it

Still I keep on finding

that they’re pushin’ those distorted visions

and I keep on living

but I’m dying cause of their decisions

if I keep on looking

I can find a higher space

I’m still groovin’ and if I like it I do it

Jamiroquai – If I Like It, I Do It – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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