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Letra Música Thinking About You – House Of Shem

The girl i love, i have searched my whole life
To hopefully see you, right here by my side
Your trapped in my heart, your always on my mind
If you gave me your love, i’ll make sure i give you mine
Its crazy, love is like a piece of art work
As i lay here, dreaming that we were together
Yes its crazy girl, love is something you cant describe
Like the look of a rose, the smell of the rain
Or the feeling of forever

It dont matter what i do
I cant stop thinking about you
It dont matter what yeah, i do
I cant stop thinking, no way, bout you

To proclaim that i love you girl
Is so easy to say and for that
I will tell you in my own special way
Through meaningful words girl
And the warmth of my touch
Through the nights of romance girl
You know baby you’ll deserve o so much

Its crazy, love is like a piece of art work
As i lay here, dreaming that we were together
Yes its crazy girl, love is something you cant describe, no way
Like the look of a rose, the smell of the rain
Or the feeling of forever

It dont matter what i do
I cant stop thinking, no way, bout you
It dont matter what no way, i do
I cant stop thinking, no way, bout you

Baby yes me love the way you sweet talk i dread
I and i bredren stand and reason about it
The way you walk and sway and dem clothes that you wear
Me a rasta cant lie and say that i wish you were here
Stop thinking girl girl
Imma need some love and comforting
Come along and see my world world
Me nah deal with no bad tings
Me a treat you like a precious pearl pearl
Thats how i feel feel
And there aint nothing or something i cannot say

Cause it dont matter what, no, what i do
I cant stop thinking, no way, bout you
Cause it dont matter what, no way, i do
I cant stop thinking, no way, bout you

Cause it dont matter what, no way, i do
I cant stop thinking, no way, bout you
It dont matter what, no way, i do
I cant stop thinking, no way, bout you

Cause it dont matter what , no way, i do
I cant stop thinking, no way, bout you
Cause it dont matter what, no way, i do
I cant stop thinking, no way, bout you

House Of Shem – Thinking About You – Ouvir Música

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