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Letra Música Fast As You Can – Fiona Apple

I let the beast in too soon

I don’t know how to live without my hand on his throat

I fight him always and still

O’ darling, it’s so sweet

You think you know how crazy, how crazy I am

You say you don’t spook easy

You won’t go, but I know

And I pray that you will

Fast as you can, baby

Run, free yourself of me

Fast as you can

I may be soft in your palm

But I’ll soon grow hungry for a fight

And I will not let you win

My pretty mouth will frame the phrases

That will disprove your faith in man

So if you catch me trying to find my way into your heart

From under your skin

Fast as you can, baby

Scratch me out, free yourself

Fast as you can

Fast as you can, baby

Scratch me out, free yourself

Fast as you can

Sometimes my mind don’t shake and shift

But most of the time, it does

And I get to the place where I’m begging for a lift

Or I’ll drown in the wonders and the was

And I’ll be your girl, if you say it’s a gift

And you give me some more of your drugs

Yeah, I’ll be your pet, if you just tell me it’s a gift

‘Cause I’m tired of whys, choking on whys

Just need a little because, because

I let the beast in and then

I even tried forgiving him, but it’s too soon

So I’ll fight again, again, again, again, again

And for a little while more

I’ll soar the uneven wind

Complain and blame the sterile land

But if you’re getting any bright ideas

Quiet, dear – I’m blooming within

Fast as you can, baby

Wait, watch me, I’ll be out

Fast as I can

Maybe late, but at least about

Fast as you can

Leave me, let this thing run its route

Fast as you can

Fast as you can

Fast as you can

Fast as you can

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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MMT é exemplo de empresa privada que deu certo

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