Letra Música Through The Fire – Chaka Khan

I look in your eyes and I can see

We’ve loved so dangerously

You’re not trusting your heart to anyone

You tell me you’re gonna play it smart

We’re through before we start

But I believe that we’ve only just begun

When it’s this good, there’s no saying no

I want you so, I’m ready to go

Through the fire, to the limit, to the wall

For a chance to be with you

I’d gladly risk it all

Through the fire

Through whatever, come what may

For a chance at loving you

I’d take it all the way

Right down to the wire

Even through the fire

I know you’re afraid of what you feel

You still need time to heal

And I can help if you’ll only let me try

You touched me and something in me knew

What I could have with you

Now I’m not ready to kiss that dream goodbye

When it’s this sweet, there’s no saying no

I need you so, I’m ready to go

Through the fire, to the limit, to the wall

For a chance to be with you

I’d gladly risk it all

Through the fire

Through whatever, come what may

For a chance at loving you

I’d take it all the way

Right down to the wire

Even through the fire

Through the test of time

Through the fire, to the limit, to the wall

For the chance to be with you

I’d gladly risk it all

Through the fire

Through whatever, come what may

For a chance at loving you

I’d take it all the way

Right down to the wire

Even through the fire

To the wire, to the limit (through the fire)

Through the fire, through whatever

Through the fire, to the limit

Through the fire, through whatever

Through the fire, to the limit

Through the fire, through whatever

Through the fire, to the limit

Through the fire, through whatever

Through the fire, to the limit

Through the fire, through whatever

Through the fire, to the limit

Through the fire, through whatever

Chaka Khan – Through The Fire – Ouvir Música

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