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Letra Música Night Fever – Bee Gees

Listen to the ground, there is movement all around
There is something goin’ down and I can feel it
On the waves of the air, there is dancin’ out there
If it’s somethin’ we can share, we can steal it
And that sweet city woman
She moves through the light
Controlling my mind and my soul
When you reach out for me, yeah
And the feelin’ is right

Night fever, night fever
We know how to do it
Gimme that night fever, night fever
We know how to show it

Here I am
Prayin’ for this moment to last
Livin’ on the music so fine
Borne on the wind
Makin’ it mine

Night fever, night fever
We know how to do it (oh, oh)
Gimme that night fever, night fever
We know how to show it

In the heat of our love, don’t need no help for us to make it
Gimme just enough to take us to the mornin’
I got fire in my mind, I get higher in my walkin’
And I’m glowin’ in the dark, I give you warnin’

And that sweet city woman
She moves through the light
Controlling my mind and my soul
When you reach out for me, yeah
And the feelin’ is right

Night fever, night fever
We know how to do it (feels like forever, baby, don’t you know?)
Gimme that night fever, night fever
We know how to show it (ooh)

Here I am
Prayin’ for this moment to last
Livin’ on the music so fine
Borne on the wind
Makin’ it mine

Night fever, night fever
We know how to do it (feels like forever, baby, don’t you know?)
Gimme that night fever, night fever
We know how to show it (I’ll leave you never, baby, don’t you know?)

Gimme that night fever, night fever
We know how to do it (feels like forever, baby, don’t you know?)
Gimme that night fever, night fever
We know how to show it (I’ll leave you never, baby, don’t you know?)

Gimme that night fever, night fever

Bee Gees – Night Fever – Ouvir Música

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