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Letra Música Ever Changing Times (feat. Michael McDonald) – Aretha Franklin

These are ever changing times

I’ve seen the clock upon the wall

But it don’t bother me at all

These are ever changing times

And these ever changing times

Everything is going so much faster

It seems like I’m

Wtching my life and everything I do

Wondering if the dreams that I believed in

Can still come true

Caught in between

It comes back to

You and me running out of time

Gotta find me a better understanding

Everything keep forgetting what’s mine

Gotta find me a way less-demanding

And we holding on so tight

Together all of our lives

I’ve seen the clock upon the wall

But it don’t bother me at all

These are ever changing times

And I, I had some big ideals

So much of my life is still not completed

Hopes and fears

Watching them change into something new

Wondering if I’m gonna find

The answer

Loving you

All of my life

It comes back to

You and me running out of time

I gotta find me a better understanding

Everything keep forgetting what’s mine

Gotta find me a way it is less-demanding

And we holding on so tight

Together all of our lives

I’ve seen the clock upon the wall

But it don’t bother me at all

These are ever changing times

I’ve seen the clock upon the wall

But it don’t bother me at all

These are ever changing times

All of my life

It comes back to

You and me running out of time

I gotta find me a better understanding

Everything keep forgetting what’s mine

I gotta find me a way it is less-demanding

And we holding on so tight


And we gonna be all right together

All of our lives

I’ve seen the clock upon the wall

But it don’t bother me at all

These are ever changing times

I’ve seen the clock upon the wall

But it don’t bother me at all

These are ever changing times

I’ve seen the clock upon the wall

But it don’t bother me at all

These are ever changing times

I’ve seen the clock upon the wall

Aretha Franklin – Ever Changing Times (feat. Michael McDonald) – Ouvir Música

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