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Letra Música Brand New Me – Alicia Keys

It’s been a while
I’m not who I was before
You look surprised
Your words don’t burn me anymore
Been meaning to tell you
But I guess it’s clear to see
Don’t be mad
It’s just the brand new kind of me
Can’t be bad
I found a brand new kind of free

Careful with your ego
He’s the one that we should blame
Had to grab my heart back
God know something had to change

I thought that you’d be happy
I found the one thing I need, why you mad?
It’s just the brand new kind of me

It took a long, long time to get here
It took a brave, brave girl to try
It took one too many excuses, one too many lies
Don’t be surprised, don’t be surprised

If I talk a little louder
If I speak up when you’re wrong
If I walk a little taller
I’d be known to you too long
If you noticed that I’m different
Don’t take it personally

Don’t be mad
It’s just the brand new kind of me
That ain’t bad
I found a brand new kind of free

Oh, it took a long, long road to get here
It took a brave, brave girl to try
I’ve taken one too many excuses, one too many lies
Don’t be surprised, oh, see, you look surprised

Hey, if you were a friend
You want to get know me again
If you were worth a while
You’d be happy to see me smile

I’m not expecting sorry
I’m too busy finding myself, I got this
I found me, I found me, yeah

I don’t need your opinion
I’m not waiting for your ok
I’ll never be perfect
But at least now I’m brave
Now, my heart is open
And I can finally breathe

Don’t be mad
It’s just the brand new kind of free
That ain’t bad
I found a brand new kind of me

Don’t be mad
It’s just a brand new time for me

Alicia Keys – Brand New Me – Ouvir Música

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