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Letra Música If It Hadn’t Been For Love – Adele

Never would’ve hitchhiked to Birmingham
If it hadn’t been for love
Never would’ve caught the train to Louisiana
If it hadn’t been for love
Never would’ve run through the blinding rain
Without one dollar to my name
If it hadn’t been
If it hadn’t been for love

Never would’ve seen the trouble that I’m in
If it hadn’t been for love
Would’ve been gone like a wayward wind
If it hadn’t been for love

Nobody knows it better than me
I wouldn’t be wishing I was free
If it hadn’t been
If it hadn’t been for love

Four cold walls against my will
At least I know he’s lying still
Four cold walls without parole
Lord have mercy on my soul

Never would’ve gone to that side of town
If it hadn’t been for love
Never would’ve took a mind to track him down
If it hadn’t been for love

Never would’ve loaded up a forty-four
And put myself behind a jailhouse door
If it hadn’t been
If it hadn’t been for love

Four cold walls against my will
At least I know he’s lying still
Four cold walls without parole
Lord have mercy on my soul

Never would’ve hitchhiked to Birmingham
If it hadn’t been for love
Never would’ve caught the train to Louisiana
If it hadn’t been for love

Never would’ve loaded up a forty-four
And put myself behind a jailhouse door
If it hadn’t been
If it hadn’t been for love

If it hadn’t been
If it hadn’t been for love
If it hadn’t been
If it hadn’t been for love

Adele – If It Hadn’t Been For Love – Ouvir Música

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